
WTF-WDs: vomitous volumes

September 1, 2010

This installment of WTF Wedding Dresses brings us these little massive monstrosities… (yes, work is still slow 😀 )

This one may double as gear for an arctic expedition, or possibly prevent drafts from sneaking under your doors.

Gather here, gather there, gather everywhere… and it all adds up to bunches of crap.

Methinks the back of her dress is vomiting up a train. Look! It even added corn for texture!

Another marvel of insulative value. She might also be smuggling wait staff from across the border for her reception under there. You might want to check… I’m just sayin’…


  1. The woman in the next to the last looks like her head is on backwards! What’s up with that??

  2. And why does the last one look hypothermic even with all that fabric around her? Oh man… this was just the tip of the fugly iceberg that is this designer’s collection.

  3. I bet these creations carried a hefty price tag…..

  4. I’m sure they do… they are “haute couture” (snort!) and there are no prices on the site

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